Staying In Touch July’21

With Coucillor Gary Crawford

By Gary Crawford

I would like to start by wishing you all a very happy Canada Day! Unfortunately, we have to celebrate another Canada Day without the usual festivities, but I hope you all find your own special way to celebrate. The good news is that we’re continuing to make significant strides toward recovery, so hopefully this time next year we’ll all be able to get together for fireworks and picnics.

Of course, one of our greatest ways to combat the spread of COVID-19 is by getting vaccinated. The province’s second dose vaccination efforts are now underway, so I strongly recommend all of you to get your second dose when you’re eligible. And if you have yet to receive your first dose, then make sure to get out there and book an appointment – it’s not too late! I got my second dose a few weeks ago and I’m feeling great! Let’s all do our part to overcome COVID-19 and get Toronto back to normal life.

The fence at Scarborough Heights Park has generated a great deal of feedback. My office was not involved in the decision to erect a 6ft chain link fence and was only informed after preliminary installation had been initiated. In recognizing that a key piece, namely community consultation was missing, I immediately halted the process until we could properly consult with both the community and City staff. The culmination was a community meeting held June 15th with presentations from City staff regarding the rationale for this fence. As a result, the installation of the chain link fence has been cancelled and a smaller post and cable fence along the Bluffs in Scarborough Heights Park, similar to most of the parks along the edge of the Bluffs, will be installed.

Parks staff will also continue to monitor that stretch along the Bluffs’ edge and work closely with Toronto Fire and Toronto Police, Municipal Licensing and Standards and TRCA on strategies to mitigate misadventure while visiting the Scarborough Bluffs. Thank you to residents for your engagement and participation and for sharing your voice to impact those decisions that matter to you the most.

On another note, I will be organizing community clean-ups on weekends this summer. If you would like to volunteer or have any suggestions on locations that we should focus on please reach out to my office. I am also still delivering slow-down signs! If you would like one delivered to your home please email or call my office and it will be arranged.

Hope you all have an amazing long weekend! Get outside and enjoy the sun, go to a patio, have a picnic in the park or just go for a walk. Please remember to continue to follow the recommended COVID-19 guidelines.

As always please feel free to contact my office to express any comments or concerns. We will do our very best to assist you!