Rail Crossing Improvements
Underpasses on Morningside and Golf Club Road
Bluffers Park Journal
Anglers Active During Summer Months
Fishing is a popular activity in Bluffers Park during many months of the year, especially during the summer. Anglers of all ages and abilities can catch a wide variety of fish from shore, from boats launched at the public ramps or yacht clubs, or out on the lake with an expert guide from the Marina. More…
Fairmont ABC's
School Has Arts Based Curriculum
I was walking with the dogs past Fairmount Jr. Public School on Sloely Avenue the other day and it brought back memories. The School is an Arts Based Curriculum (ABC) school which gives it some special status and allows it to draw students from a larger catchment area than most community schools. More…
Love Thy Neighbor, But...
Community Mediation can help settle disputes
Print Edition Cover
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Lucille Yates stands in her garden that has been nominated in the City of Toronto’s Gardening Contest “Residential – Environmental/Pollinator Habitat”. She is now a finalist in the contest.