Guild Inn May’21

How The Guild Inn Park Saved our Health Physically and Mentally During Covid-19

By Jill Bayer

Both in our 80’s my husband and I were missing our therapy sessions and social meetings,both having some medical problems my husband has pulmonary fibrosis and myself arthritis, we are otherwise healthy.
We began walking in the Guild Inn park the of middle of March, at the beginning of the quarantine. Except when icy or too humid. we have walked the perimeter of the park everyday, sometimes twice It has saved our sanity and kept us mobile.It has been a wonderful experience seeing the changes through the 4 seasons watching the beauty of nature unfold. Everyday there was something new to observe.

The trails are most diverse, wonderful formal gardens, historic monuments, amazing sculptures, several wild areas and an amazing boardwalk. Plus the ever changing view of the lake. Each day a different aspect due to weather changes.

My husband a retired Professor and I a retired RN had time to rediscover our childhood enjoyment of nature. It has been an interesting education, even the research being done to control the Emerald ash borer with insecticide, so the trees remaining can be saved.

Feeding the birds in the fall , as we and many bird watchers had been missing many of them during the summer.

Also to watch the new Clark Centre of the Arts come to life. Quite an undertaking, we can not wait to visit once open.

Having made a DVD 30 years ago of the park, I have followed the many changes, still in progress, and have been impressed the way the city has moved, reorganized and brought out many of the old historic pieces that have been stored away.

Having been a friend of Sculptor and poet Elizabeth Williamson, I am glad they have kept and tidied the historic Ouster house area, once her studio. The original, Elizabeths memorial plaque was lost. But now I am pleased it has been replaced.
We have been most grateful to the city, who look after this beautiful corner of Scarborough.