Dr Ying Lu

“I believe it’s everyone’s responsibility to make this world a better place,” said Lu in a press release from SHN. “It’s my pleasure and I enjoy my work.”
Lu is currently an honorary advisor for the association’s Board of Directors, as well as sitting on the Board of the Action Canadian Chinese Together Foundation. The foundation works to create a more equitable society in Canada.
Internationally, Lu taught other eye experts in China while on a transformative trip to the country’s more remote communities. One patient, an elderly woman, showed Lu the true value of her work.
“She was crawling on the floor to feel her surroundings,” Lu said of her elderly patient, noting that the local doctors didn’t have the neces sary equipment or training.
“Helping her get her eyesight back was extremely touching, I knew I had changed someone’s life for the better.”
Back home, Lu’s volunteer work caught the sight of several benefactors, securing a private donation of $500,000 to fund two surgical microscopes and renovations for the Eye Center at SHN’s Birchmount Hospital.