GOing Places Camp Members
Camp Evolve Members
By: Saadia Khan
The West Rouge Soccer Club is a non-profit organization in Scarborough dedicated to providing any person regardless of ability, the opportunity to participate in organized soccer activities at recreational and competitive levels.
The WRSC promotes technical and tactical soccer skills, physical and mental development, self-confidence, teamwork and respect of self and others, all within the spirit of the game of soccer in order to facilitate all individuals to reach their potential.
This summer, the WRSC conducted two unique summer programs; GOing Places and Camp Evolve. GOing Places is a girls-only soccer camp developed by and delivered by girls, for girls. It aims to bridge the gaps between gender stereotypes in sports and provide an equitable, safe, and fun opportunity to increase the participation of girls in physical activity settings. GOing Places is grounded in a gender-equity approach and is a tailored opportunity for girls to gain confidence and competence in social and sports settings. The philosophy at GOing Places is to create space for girls to engage with and share positive sport experiences, and to inspire them to pursue existing and emerging sport opportunities with confidence and passion. GOing Places offers both half-day and full-day camps for its participants and is led by Camp Director Anika.
Camp Evolve is an activity-based development camp presented by the WRSC that fosters an environment for participants growth using a health and physical activity framework. This helps participants develop essential fundamental movement, social, and creative thinking skills, with a focus on cooperative games and community building. The philosophy at Camp Evolve is to focus on the individuality of each participant and provide an engaging, fun, and inclusive environment for their development. Camp Evolve offers both half-day and full-day camps for its participants and is led by Camp Director Dylan.
The WRSC values child safety above everything else, and hopes to create an engaging, positive, and fun-filled environment for all of its participants. We look forward to having more children participate in these camps, and we hope to create a memorable experience for them.
Visit https://www.westrougesoccer.ca/ for more information.
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok: @westrougesoccer