The Upside of the Mask
By Anne Megahy
We, the world’s population, look as though we belong to the same organization, club, or cartel – which there is an explanation for. The mask. It is the newest must wear article if one is to leave their domain. As masks are now a must in public, we all look alike. Just as men in tuxedos somewhat resemble penguins, most of us look as though we have escaped from a surgical procedure in progress. Do not fret, though. The age of the mask is upon us. I can see it now, the chic bejeweled face adornment that will introduce the product to the world. However, considering that the mask allows only a portion of the face to be seen, the introduction or debut is bound to be a worldwide event. An attention-getter. So, what can we add to the basic mask that looks good from our eyelashes to our hairline?
Check out the space below the hairline. The forehead may be a clean slate, unadorned as yet. Do we see a tattoo in its future? What about a delicate imprint on the forehead or glitter? In fact, it could be a totally new way to display jewels – or a reason to acquire more of the same. What is under the mask for people with facial hair? There is the suggestion that a moustache or beard lurks beneath its pleated front.
Because the fashion mask is still in its infancy in the west, I predict it will have a long, colourful life. Advertisers haven’t even had a chance to present their individual icons yet.